Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Fun with Friends!

We had a fun weekend last weekend! On Saturday Kim and Lauren came up to visit and play! We had a great time. I think every toy in the house was played with. Ryan even walked for the first time! I think he took a cue from Lauren who was running circles around him. We were sitting around talking and suddenly from the corner of our eyes, Ryan was up on two feet walking toward a toy, even without any coaxing. He probably walked about 8 feet and we were very happy. Here a few pictures of the kids was tough to get them to both stand still and smile at the same time.

On Sunday, we took a drive to see Aunt Libby, Uncle Art and cousin Joaquin. The boys had fun together and it was good to see them. Again, it was rather difficult to capture a good picture but here is Ryan sharing his snacks with Joaquin!

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