Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My Muscle Man with Listening Ears

One of the attributes I love about Ryan is that he is so independent. He wants to do everything and I mean everything on his own. Lately though we have had a little trouble listening to what needs to be done and what is asked of us. We have been working on "turning on" our listening ears. The way it works is that I look Ryan in the eyes and ask him to turn on his listening ears. He proceeds to place his fingertips on his forehead or face and tell me his listening ears are on. I can then give him his directions and he will immediately do what is asked of him. I'm not sure how he found the button on his face to turn on his listening ears but I hope it continues working for a long time to come.

Ryan has also learned to show us his muscles. I'm pretty sure he learned this one from daddy :)