Sunday, February 14, 2010

Playing in the Snow!

Our generous neighbors recently gave Ryan a brand new pair of snow pants that her son had never worn! So after all our snow this past week we put them on and headed outside to play! On Tuesday, Ryan and I dressed up and sat in the snow to play. This weekend, Marc made a make-shift sled (we couldn't find any sleds in the store) from the lid of a tupperware and rope to pull around the yard. Unfortunately quite a bit of the snow had melted on our hill at the side of the house but we made the best of it. Ryan had a good time but was a little unsure about accelerating down the hill at the side of our house.
Getting dressed for the snow...

Playing in the snow...

Sledding in the front yard...

Sliding down the hill...

What fun!!


  1. so cute. Ryan looks happier in the snow that Joaquin is. Joaquin is always on the lookout for clean patches of concrete to stand on and keep out of the snow. they look pretty cute in their snowpants don't they? It's almost worth all the trouble it takes to get them on!
