I can't believe Tyler is already 4 months old. His personality is really starting to shine. He now weighs 14 pounds 11 ounces. He smiles and laughs all the time. Tyler loves his brother...he is constantly turning his head to watch Ryan (or else he is protecting himself and making sure nothing is flying at him). Ryan has been helping Tyler learn to roll over. Ryan saw me practicing this movement with Tyler and a couple days later I heard Ryan cheering, "Yeah, Tyler rolled over!" from the other room. Come to find out, Ryan had helped Tyler roll over, which means he pushed him from his back to his tummy!
Tyler's likes:
-looking at himself in the mirror
-sitting up (in the bumbo seat)
-sleeping and lying on his belly
Tyler's dislikes:
-loud noises (hard to avoid in the house with Ryan)
Tyler, protecting himself :)
He's too cute, Lindsay, and whoa does he look like you!