Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Two Months Old!

I know I just sent my first blog but I am going to try to stay up to date from now you get two updates from us in a short period of time. Ryan had his 2 month check-up last week. He is growing well and is healthy. He now weighs 12 pounds 1 ounce and is 23 inches long. He is in the 50th percentile for both weight and height. He is eating like crazy - sometimes 6 ounce bottles only 2 hours apart. I guess he takes after his dad - HA! He is becoming a very social little man - smiling, cooing and even laughing at times. This is his 2 month picture and some video of his favorite toy (you can hear him talking if you turn up the sound).

1 comment:

  1. What a doll! You can tell he has the "exercises" down pat! His little legs and arms are moving so fast, his Mommy and Daddy must be so proud! What a dear. Thanks for sharing these precious moments. M
