Friday, January 28, 2011

My Boys

Just thought I would share some recent videos of my boys. We have been having alot of fun as of late. We are all healthy...Tyler is very alert and happy as he interacts with everyone, especially his brother...and Ryan seems to grow everyday as he continues to learn new words and use full sentences.

Tyler is 3 1/2 months old now. He is such a patient and happy boy. I had to lay down the law and do some sleep training with him last week. He was only sleeping for short 30minute naps during the day and sometimes waking up every couple hours at night. I like my sleep and my boys need to like their sleep too. It is never fun to let him cry but we worked for one week on a schedule and by day 4 he was sleeping for 1 1/2 or 2 hours twice a day for his naps, getting up once a night and sleeping in until 7am without any crying! He is now sleeping much better and he is even happier and practicing his words, smiles and giggles whenever he is awake! It is so much fun to see his face light up when he catches us looking at him. Here is a short clip of Tyler this morning talking to me...

Ryan is always full of energy but I wouldn't have it any other way! He continues to amaze us with his vocabulary and sentences. Some of my favorite Ryan phrases are, "No thank you please," "Mommy/Daddy doin'?" and he uses the word 'no' in place of 'don't,' such as "No get me," when he and Marc are chasing one another around the house. He has nothing but love for his brother and always wants to be near Tyler. "Where go Tyler go?" is his first question when he wakes up every morning and after his nap. Tyler must be facing Ryan at every meal time and if not we hear, "Can't see Tyler!" or "Tyler can't see me!" When we go somewhere at night in the car, he wants the light on in the van so he can see Tyler. One of our favorite recent pasttimes is dancing to a CD given to Ryan by our friends the Larsons. There is a song on it called 'Silly Dance Contest,' which is his favorite. Here is a clip of Ryan (and me!) dancing to the Silly Dance Contest...

My boys, yes all 3 of them, like to play ball - any kind of ball - in the, baseball, tennis, basketball. Here is a clip of the boys playing football, even Tyler :)

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